Kovács István - HA8CE (HG8CE)
Hello to all!
I am 77 years old retired technical teacher, ham since 1969. My favourit is 50 & 144 MHz DX-work.
My rig: IC-7400 and all others home made.
For HF bands lin. amp. with GU43b, for 6 m lin. amp. also with GU43b and 7 el. DK7ZB 13,5 m a.g.l.
For 2 m EME GS35b lin. amp. and 4x14 el. horizontal DG7YBN (GTV 2-14w) & 4x9 el. vertical DG7YBN (GTV 2-9n) group + fine LNA. (product of HA8ET) / look at: HA8ET home page
My standing on 50 MHz: 201 country and 1057 locator square
144 MHz : 180 country and 1050 locator square & full WAS - EME collection
On HF bands now I am active 3,5 - 28 MHz.
Antennas: DHF6 - 4 el. ECO yagi for 10 - 28 MHz, and 16 m high vertical with separated passing for 40 / 80 m for TX-ing, and VS1AA for RX-ing.
My 144 MHz WAS Award
(24 years had to be gathered)
Some photos of my QTH and my friends: