Joop Lankhaar - P A 1 J L G
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Joop Lankhaar a 90-es években az akkor az egész világon egyre nyitottabb és népszerűbb CB rádiózáson keresztül került kapcsolatba makói rádiósokkal. |
In the 90s, when the whole world was becoming more open and more popular to CB radio communication, Joop Lankhaar had radio contacts on Citizen Band with persons in Mako too. Friendships and family relationships were woven by conversations in the ether. During his regular visits in Mako, Joop got acquainted with radio amateurs too. We were pleased to host him our events, and in our club-house. His personality is an open, wide-ranging interests, helpful character. |
A látogatásokat, baráti beszélgetéseket követően Joop OM 2011-től rádióklubunk teljes jogú tagja lett.
Nowadays Joop is interested in digital modes and very active. He is member of European Phase Shift Keying Club and many graduation praises his work. Part of CWOP global network he operates an automatic weather-forecast station, beside the conventional radio amateur contacts. In addition, he edits and manages a HAM server operated by him and providing useful and updated information on the Internet for radio amateurs of the world. |
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